
ChatMol copilot



This is ChatMol copilot, just like other copilot, it is designed to help your work. Here the LLM is enpowered by computational biology tools and databases. We showed some cases in the video, and you can also try it by yourself.


cd ChatMol/copilot_public
pip install -r requirements.txt


streamlit run


Example 1: enzyme for toxin degradation

After the copliot is strateted, change the Project Name to examples/enzyme-for-toxin-degradation, you will see the history of how copliot:

Want more funtionality?

You can easily add more functionality to ChatMol copilot.

# 1. Define a function
def translate_to_protein(self, seq:str, pname=None):
    from Bio.Seq import Seq
    nucleotide_seq = Seq(seq)
    protein_seq = nucleotide_seq.translate()
    if pname:
        return f"The protein sequence of {seq} is `>{pname}\n{protein_seq}`"
        return f"The protein sequence of {seq} is `>protein\n{protein_seq}`"

# 2. Add it to the conversation
cfn.translate_to_protein = translate_to_protein.__get__(cfn)
    { # This is the description of the function
        "type": "function",
        "function": {
            "name": "translate_to_protein",
            "description": "Translate a DNA/RNA sequence to a protein sequence",
            "parameters": {
                "type": "object",
                "properties": {
                    "seq": {"type": "string", "description": "The DNA/RNA sequence"},
            "required": ["seq"],
conversation.available_functions["translate_to_protein"] = cfn.translate_to_protein

By adding the above code to at line 97 after conversation = ConversationHandler(client, cfn, model_name=model), you can add this translation function to ChatMol copilot.

You are more than welcome to contribute any function to ChatMol copilot.

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Create a new branch
  3. Add your function in copilot_public/
    In this file, you need to define a function and clearly define the parameters and return value of this function, also add test case in test_data. You can refer to the existing content in copilot_public/ We have a button named Add from template. You can click it to add your function to ChatMol copilot.
  4. Create a pull request
  5. We will review your code and merge it to the main branch

If you still don’t know what to do, just paste this and the content in copilot_public/ to the input box of ChatGPT and ask it to do all the coding for you.
Remeber to add the magic prompt: “I don’t have fingers, can you write the complete code for me.”


Analysis tools

visualization tools

Online Version

We provided an online version for you. Click here to try it.